Nick Coutsos

Software engineer and hobbyist maker


I’m a software engineer based in Toronto.

I like building things, digital and otherwise.

Professionally I’m a full stack developer using React and Node (or Python) with a preferential leaning towards back end services, but for personal projects I’m often drawn to browser technologies I don’t normally get to interact with.

Personal Projects

In my spare time I’ll work on whatever piques my curiosity. See a selection of my projects below for an idea of what interests me and how much time I’m willing to sink into it.

Keymap Editor passion project/obsession • 2020 - ∞

A web-based editor for ZMK keymaps with a GitHub integration

three.js animation lunch-and-learn • 2019

Introduction to animation in three.js focussing on the use of timing functions to generate simple programmatic animation of various properties.

Keyboard Presentation • 2018

A stylized showcase of the world of keyboard ergonomics and my fondness for using three.js in presentations.

Dactyl Flatpacked Ergonomic Keyboard • 2018

My own take on an open source ergonomic keyboard, adapted to 2D for laser cutting and a better result than I could expect from my available 3D printer at the time.

Star Projector • 2016 - 2017

A deep dive into spatial transformations using three.js, projecting stars onto both the surface of a 3D polyhedron and a 2D laser cutting template.